Enjoy Life, Enjoy God

Dale Patterson


March 5, 2013

Most of us have favorite passages in the Bible. But why do particular ones stand out for so many of us for so many years? Like Psalm 23...

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters...
--Psalm 23:1,2 TNIV

Because it is a testament of hope and God's provision. The shepherd-God accompanies us through the travail of daily life. Refreshing, guidance, defense in the face of fears including death itself. Enemies confront us, but we do not face them alone, and all the days of our lives, God goes with us even into the house of the Lord.

That's a powerful hope to cling to day by day, and that's why it's a Bible's Greatest hit.


Dale Patterson