E. Stanley Ott – Founder and President
As President of the Vital Churches Institute (VCI), Stan's passion is the transformation of the mainline church. Stan teaches the principles of congregational vitality, transformation, missional endeavor, and leadership. His impact reaches thousands of folks throughout US and abroad through the Acts 16:5 Initiative, his published writing and his teaching engagements.
As pastor, Stan has over thirty years of first-hand knowledge of the hard work and challenges that lead to the blessings of being a transformational congregation that moves to new vitality.
Stan's Publications include:
- "Twelve Dynamic Shifts for Transforming Your Church" (Eerdmans)
- "Transform Your Church with Ministry Teams"(Eerdmans)
- "The Vibrant Church: A People Building Plan for Congregational Health" (Regal)
- "The Joy of Discipling: Friend with Friend and Heart with Heart" (Zondervan)
- Vision for a Vital Church (Vital Churches Institute)
- Small Group Life (Vital Churches Institute)
Contact: Stan@vitalchurches.com