Enjoy Life, Enjoy God

Dale Patterson


November 19, 2012

Baptism causes as much debate and contention across the church as any doctrine or belief. Maybe Jesus confuses us more.

Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John.
--Matthew 3:13 TNIV

Remember John the Baptist's baptism was one of repentance, not Christian baptism. He summoned people to get right with God, to do a 180 in the direction they were heading, and people flocked to the Baptist, even Jesus. But that's the problem. As Jesus presented himself for baptism, the Baptist protested, "No. I need to be baptized by you." It was as if John said, "What do you have to repent of?" But Jesus insisted, and John fulfilled Christ's righteous humility.

So John did not baptize Jesus as we do in the church. We do well to be immersed again and again in the grace of God--through prayer, through devotional Bible reading, through fellowship with other believers, and worship with the Body of Christ. It brings meaning to both Jesus' baptism and our own.


Dale Patterson