Enjoy Life, Enjoy God

Dale Patterson


December 31, 2010

The art of conversation, small talk... can be a delight. "Oh, no, we're not gossiping. We're just talking about some of our friends." Artful conversation or ill-spirited chatter about others can be dangerous stuff.

Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly.
                                                  - 2 Timothy 2:16 TNIV

When you go to your New Year's Eve party tonight, what if you take a timeout on conversation and listen to what others are saying? How much of what you hear is "artful conversation," and how much chatting about others is at their expense--the clothes they wear, the decisions they make, the circumstances of their lives, and the like? Then ask yourself: "If I were chatting, how would my words be different?"

Godless chatter, Paul cautions, takes us away from our Christ-centered commitment. "Small talk" often is little more than mean-spirited gossip in another garb. "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." WRONG!  Words are some of our most potent weapons.  We honor Christ and others with our words, our chatter.


Dale Patterson