Enjoy Life, Enjoy God

Dale Patterson


September 9, 2010

 Egg-shell people: These are people you are afraid you are going to set off, so you walk on egg shells around them. They can be scary people.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.
-Philippians 4:23 TNIV

The last words Paul speaks to the Philippians blesses them with grace. These are words not to be skipped over. He bids them grace which implies at least two thoughts. #1, he blesses them with the grace of Christ--always connected to Christ by Christ's grace, not their merit or self-justification. #2, this blessing summons them to be people of grace as well.

I suppose we all have our egg-shell moments, but how much better to be known by others as a bearer and bless-er of grace. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit throughout this day!

Dale Patterson