Enjoy Life, Enjoy God

Dale Patterson


April 17, 2010

It may be the most famous and oft-quoted passage in the entire Bible: John 3:16. And it's Jesus speaking to the seeker, Nicodemus, an expert in the religion, but largely clueless about the things of God.

 For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.
---John 3:16 NRS

Jesus answers Nicodemus' query of finding life in God with a word about the wind and spirit, about Moses and a snake on a stick in our wilderness of life, and then tells Nicodemus about God's purpose. That purpose is not law, not regulation, not a burden of responsibility, but life. Life. To look to Christ is to move us toward God's purpose for us-to find, to enjoy life. To enjoy life and enjoy God.

This all springs out of God's love for Nicodemus and you, and me! Life, life, and that it might be enjoyed abundantly. Life!'s about life.

Dale Patterson